
Our Foundation to Year 2 classes take part in bookmaking on a regular basis. We encourage all of our learners to see themselves as a writer. Mentor texts are used to show different approaches and styles of writing, which can then be used as a springboard for bookmaking. Allowing the student to choose the type/genre of writing gives them greater agency over their work. For young students, not being able to write yet is no barrier to the bookmaking process. Students can tell their stories using pictures and oral language, gradually building over time to incorporate writing.

Our Year 2 to Year 6 classes are exploring writing styles through Seven Steps to Writing Success. Students are explicitly taught a range of techniques and develop a writing toolkit to use when writing for different purposes. Seven Steps focusses on the craft of writing such as how to write Sizzling Starts, Tightening Tension and Endings with Impact.

Our teachers regularly moderate samples of students’ writing using the Brightpath Moderation Tool, ensuring consistency across the school. This tool allows us to track writing progress throughout each child’s time at KPPS. It also provides feedback around what the child is doing well in their writing, and what their next learning intentions might be.


Reading/Structured Synthetic Phonics

Reading takes many different forms here at Kidman Park Primary School. Partner and shared reading occurs daily in classes. Students in junior primary classes focus on developing the ‘Big 6’ of Reading. A structured synthetic phonics approach and the use of decodable take home books allows students to build the necessary skills to read independently and with confidence. Each Junior Primary class use the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness resources daily to ensure students are developing their phonemic awareness skills in a structured way through explicit teaching. Big books and mentor texts are a key aspect of our reading program. Technology is also used to enhance reading skills, through use of the online reading programs. Older students have their reading and comprehension skills tracked through the use of Lexiles.


Literacy and Numeracy Support

Literacy and Numeracy Support occurs in many different ways at our school. Support may come from the class teacher and through small clinic groups run either by an educator or by other students. Our SSOs provide support for students with literacy and numeracy both in classes and sometimes in small groups or even one to one. Depending on student needs, students in Foundation can access our Speech and Language program. Students in Year 1 and 2 have access to the MiniLit Program and Years 3 to 6 can access the MacqLit Program for students with additional literacy needs. Numicon intervention is used to support numeracy skill development. We have literacy and numeracy support groups that meet weekly with targeted groups of children to provide extra scaffolding and support for writing and for numeracy development.

Student reviews

I use my seven steps in writing for my persuasive texts and it is extremely helpful.  In writing I enjoy how we get to share and use our own ideas to write a story or any form of text. I also like how we have class discussions to ask questions to improve our writing.


Student reviews

I use my seven steps of writing when I am doing a persuasive text. I try and have a very catchy start so it helps the reader know what I am going to talk about. I like writing stories because I like to get very creative. I like to write persuasive texts to persuade people about what I like.


Student reviews

I use the writing steps to help me with what I’m writing. I love making up narratives and then writing done everything I’m thinking and then seeing what I wrote about and publishing what I’ve done and written.


Student reviews

We learn how to use different writing tools and write texts. I enjoy publishing the texts and matching images to my story.


Student reviews

I use it when I write stories I especially sizzling starts I use it when making stories to make it have more humour and more action at the start.  The start when we do sizzling starts because it is very fun to do.



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