Learning Centre
Welcome to the Kidman Park Primary School Unit for Students with Severe Multiple Disabilities (The Learning Centre).
We believe that all children are unique individuals who can learn. We believe that students learn best when they are actively involved and the learning environment supports their needs.
Students with severe multiple disabilities require a balanced curriculum in which their cognitive, physical, emotional and social needs can be catered for. Through collaboration with parents, teachers, conductors and therapists specific learning goals for individual students are identified.
The Unit has a specialist program called the Principles of Conductive Education, supported by Hungarian trained Conductors, which is a holistic approach to the education of people with motor disorders. The Unit uses a Balanced Literacy for All approach and accesses the consultancy services of Jane Farrall. The Unit has a strong communication focus and most students use some form of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The Learning Centre aims to keep Conductive Education, Communication and Curriculum in balance throughout each day.
The Learning Centre staff and students facilitate Disability Awareness lessons for all mainstream classes every year. The students who attend the Learning Centre are all aligned with a peer class and participate in some lessons with their mainstream peers and are an integral part of the school community. There is also a Helper Licence Program where students in Year 3 or above receive training in how to assist students in wheelchairs at recess and lunch play times.
Conductive Education
The school has a Conductive Education program for students with physical disabilities. The program operates within both Learning Centre classrooms. A Mobility Group operates one day a week for students also enrolled in a mainstream class at Kidman Park PS or at other schools.
Enrolment in the Mobility Group is by an assessment completed by the conductors. Further information is available from the Special Education Resource Unit: 8235 2871.
Liberty Swing
The school is lucky to have a wheelchair accessible Liberty Swing thanks to Variety SA. Community members can access the swing after hours. A key is available from the Learning Centre staff.
The Department for Education employs a Coordinator, Conductors, Teachers and School Services Officers (SSOs) to support student learning in the Unit. Child and Youth Health Service employ Health Support Officers (HSOs) to cater for students with invasive health care needs such as gastrostomy feeds.
Learning Centre in Action
Check out our video which highlights Conductive Education, Literacy for All, PODDs, Disability Awareness, Helper Licences and our students in Investigation.
Video music credits:
Whenever by LiQWYD | https://www.instagram.com/liqwyd
Sand Castles by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

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