Performing Arts

Performing Arts covers the curriculum areas of dance, drama, and music. It is designed to incorporate the aims of the Australian Curriculum and link to the school’s learning priorities. Performing Arts fosters a supportive and creative environment for students to strengthen self-confidence, social skills, and ability to create and solve problems. Students are encouraged to collaborate in group-devised pieces and individually their interests and learning goals. Each lesson promotes opportunities to explore, create, play, critique and reflect on student learning. In turn this provides opportunities for experimentation, enjoyment, leadership, self-expression, appreciation, and success.

Music lessons incorporate both Kodály and Orff pedagogies and practices underpinning the music learning program. Imitation, exploration, improvisation, and composition are all key to strengthening student learning and understanding. Students learn music notation, music appreciation, singing and play a range of melodic and non-melodic instruments, the ukulele, and drumming skills.

The performing arts classroom is an ample open space, where shoes are left at the door and students can sink their feet into creating and playing. Although there is consistency in routines, the class starts with a weekly warm-up activity that allows the students to move and stretch their bodies, transitioning from classroom learning to a kinaesthetic environment. This assists in gaining student focus and setting the theme/mood for the lesson. The next activity involves ‘tuning into’ and the learning intention for the lesson. The main task for the lesson then occurs, which varies in teaching strategies and resources, using explicit teaching, active learning, project-based learning, collaborative learning, and peer teaching.

Every year we have a big school event that is created and presented by the students. Every class in the school features in the production and is a part of the Finale item, which brings the whole school back onto the stage. The event is held at Kidman Park Primary School and is set up with three stages for students to perform on. Classroom artworks are also displayed throughout the school grounds along with food stalls and additional entertainment. All students are given the opportunity to perform on a stage with lights, costuming, sound, and visual effects. It is an excellent way to end the school year and proves to be a fantastic annual community event for the entire school and community.



Student reviews

We learn how to express your feelings and act and dance, about music tunes. We learn that we can express and go full out because this is a safe space. We learn our coming up dance for Kidman Celebrates and it is really fun, we are watching other dances for inspiration too. In term 1 we had to make up a music peace and it is really fun and I learn a lot from it. 


Student reviews

In performing arts we learn how to do types of dance like contemporary, ballet, hip hop and jazz. I enjoy being able to dance and not get laughed at if i do something wrong


Student reviews

My favourite subject at school, is Performing Arts, because, I love music, dance and drama, which is what we do in Performing Arts. I enjoy the dance part the most, and when we are learning new dances or warmups, because when I dance I feel really good and happy. 


Student reviews

Learning and having fun.


Student reviews

Being the star, making up bits of songs and other things about dancing.


Student reviews

I think that it means she can see what we need to practice more on and so she can help us more on that subject so we get better grades.


Student reviews

I found teaching the clinic groups fun and challenging because I got to share my knowledge with other students.


Student reviews

To be a focus student in performing arts means to help people around the class and share your learning with the class.


Student reviews

I get to know what everyone is doing for Kidman Celebrates and I get to research different things.


Student reviews

Well last year we did focus student in performing arts and we also do it this year so that links. It can also link to the big question within our class and every class does it.


Student reviews

In the classroom and performing arts we both do focus student but when it comes to learning there’s a big averall school question and some of the things we learn in class also link into the big question. 


Student reviews

That we get to dance and there’s lots of cool stuff on the stage and its lots of fun.



Student reviews

Well I enjoy you can learn new skills like in doing the dances and u can participate in other things like acting and yeah


Student reviews

Well I enjoy you can learn new skills like in doing the dances and you can participate in other things like acting. 


Student reviews

I like kidmans celebrates because it’s really fun and it’s a good way to end the year. 


Student reviews

I like that we get to perform on a big stage and it’s really fun.


Student reviews

It shows me other ways of how to learn different topics and how to look at it from a different perspective.




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