Digital Technologies and STEM

Digital Technologies and STEM at Kidman Park integrates areas of Science, Technology and Maths from the Australian Curriculum using the Engineering process as a way to create/solve problems in these areas. Digital Technologies and STEM principles are embedded in the classroom across the curriculum. Our big question from our Connected Curriculum each term assists students in seeing the links across these subject areas and acts as an umbrella in which students can make these connections and apply their learning in different situations.  Through STEM learning students learn keys skills such as problem solving, collaboration, initiative, creative and critical thinking, communication and digital literacy.  From designing and building solutions to assisting people in challenging environments to utilising coding and robotic strategies to explore a range of mathematical concepts and everything in between. It provides hands-on, student centred learning opportunities utilising skills and knowledge from all the four disciplines in a very practical way.

Student reviews

My favorite subject has been technology because it incorporates co-operative skills and you can improve your building skills.


Student reviews

In S.T.E.M I have been involved in many different projects. For example last year we coded M-Bots to do a dance and show types of angles which was very educational, fun and I learnt a lot of new skills.   I enjoy how each term when we do our E.R.Ps we have a variety of stem activities we can bring into our projects like green screen videos, podcasts, coding and so many other things.


Student reviews

I enjoy STEM because we get to create things for our ERP and we have so many new technologies to use for our ERP’s, and using different websites to create our ERP’s like Sutori, Canva and loads more.


Student reviews

You learn ICT skills about apps and green screens, how to use them.  I enjoy that we learn new things on how to use ICT and things I didn’t know before.


Student reviews

I enjoy learning about all the different things we can do online and I also enjoy that we have such freedom to what we do.  I have used the Chromebooks, Kahoot, coding and I have used new things such as Google Docs and Google Classroom.






Student reviews

I like how there’s so much technology we use in STEM.


Student reviews

You get to create your own invention and learn more about technology.


Student reviews

My favourite subject is STEM because I feel really privileged to be able to use the amazing technology my school provides.



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